Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Oil Continues to Falter

The Oil & Gas UltraShort (DUG) hits $39.89. This ETF is up over 20% since my call and I have to continue recommending taking more profits.

Overall, this commodity fallout has been viscious- many commodities are at 4-6 month lows. Commodity stocks have been just getting killed, even agricultural stock.

Here is a chart of Monsanto (MON)- just looks painful.

Today the commodity stocks are moving up, opposite of the trend, so we need to be careful about this being a fool's rally. I believe there is a very real possibility that commodities can overshoot their fundamental to the downside as they did to the upside if we keep hearing poor news about emerging markets. This means that exposure to steel stocks should continue to be cut.

Although, I am now becoming bullish on Natural Gas. This seems to be one of the most beaten up commodity sectors and I believe Nat Gas will become a more of an Crude Oil alternative due to the lower BTU price.

Chesapeake Energy is down about 40% in a matter of weeks.

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